Thursday, July 24, 2008

Soekarwo-Saefullah look favorites

Soekarwo-Saefullah look favorites

Indra Harsaputra, ID Nugroho and Wahyoe Boediwardhana , The Jakarta Post , Surabaya | Tue, 07/22/2008 10:14 AM | The Archipelago

Soekarwo and Saefullah Yusuf remain the most popular candidates three days before East Java's gubernatorial election, according to a survey released here Friday.

The pair's strongest competition -- former state minister for women's empowerment Khofifah Indar Parawansa and running mate Mudjiono -- saw a significant increase in public support after the 14-day election campaign, the survey added.

The survey was conducted by the Public Survey Institute (ISP) from July 10 to 16, 2008, involving some 1,000 respondents in 38 regencies and municipalities across East Java.

With the close of the campaign last Saturday, support for Khofifah rose 8.6 percent points to 16.6 percent, while that for Soekarwo increased 2.7 percent, to 25.7 percent.

Khofifah and Mudjiono are running with support from the United Development Party (PPP) and several other parties, while Soekarwo and Saefullah have the backing of the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the Democratic Party (PD).

According to the survey, public support for the Golkar Party's candidates, Soenarjo and Ali Maschan Moesa, decreased after the campaign period to 10.9 percent, from 14.8 percent.

Support for Sutjipto and Ridwan Hisjam, nominated by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), increased minimally to 10.2 percent, from 10 percent, it added.

Running mates Achmady and Suhartono, backed by the National Awakening Party (PKB) loyal to former president Abdurrahman "Gus Dur" Wahid, had the least public support, at 3.7. percent, up from 3.2 percent before the campaign.

ISP director Isra Ramli, a researcher with the Indonesian Survey Institute, said the increase in Khofifah's and Soekarwo's popularity showed the candidates managed to employ their "campaign strategies effectively".

"The two candidates have been successful in their efforts to reduce the number of undecided voters," he added.

The survey estimated the proportion of undecided voters at 33 percent, down from 41 percent before the start of the campaign period.

Soekarwo's and Khofifah's efforts during the campaign to distribute free food and gifts -- in the form of motorcycles and minor haj (pilgrimages) to Mecca, Saudi Arabia -- partly contributed to the increases in their popularity, Isra added.

East Java, the stronghold of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the country's largest Muslim organization, will hold its first direct gubernatorial election Wednesday, featuring the five pairs of candidates.

Three of the candidates -- Khofifah, Saefullah and Ali Maschan -- are activists and/or former executives of NU.

Khofifah is favored to win by NU members across the province, as she has political support from leaders of the organization's central board.

She is also backed by Muslimat NU, the women's wing of NU, which she led.

A number of senior ulema from NU issued tausiyah (an advisory) in support of the Soekarwo-Saefullah ticket.

"We support one pair of candidates, based on our personal assessment, not on behalf of NU because NU is not allowed to get involved in politics," said Mas Subadar, spokesman for the senior ulema.

Signatories to the advisory included Idris Marzuki (from Kediri), Abdullah Faqih (from Langitan) and Sofya (from Situbondo). The latter two and Subadar were among the co-founders of the Ulema National Awakening Party (PKNU), which is led by Chairul Anam.

However, Anam has pledged his support to Khofifah.

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