Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sidoarjo residents say water polluted

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Sidoarjo

Residents in Sidoarjo, East Java, have reported that pollution from the mudflow has left the water in their wells unfit for consumption.

Residents say they can only use the water for cleaning, and have to purchase water for drinking and cooking.

Pollution is particularly bad in Pajarakan Selatan village, across from where Lapindo Brantas Inc., the company at the center of the disaster, has installed pumps to channel mud into Porong River, which flows to the Madura Strait.

Villagers blame the pollution on the dumping of mud into the river.

"Before the river was used to dump the mud, the water source in our village was nothing like this.

"Now, the river no longer flows due to mud deposits, and our water source has turned smelly and murky," said Pajarakan Selatan villager Musholi, 40.

He said people now had to buy all their drinking water.

"Previously, we only bought potable water during the dry season, but now my family has to buy it almost every day," he said.

Each family in Pajarakan Selatan spends an average of Rp 1,000 (11 U.S. cents) daily on water, or Rp 30,000 monthly, a significant amount since most residents make a living as farmers and factory laborers.

Villagers are also concerned by the risk of floods during the rainy season due to the mud-clogged Porong River.

The river has badly silted up since mud began to be channeled into the waterway about a year ago.

Sedimentation has created island-shaped masses in the middle of the river.

"Residents in Pajarakan Selatan are afraid that when the rainy season arrives, the river will be unable to hold water and overflow to residential areas, causing major flooding," resident Sholihin told The Jakarta Post.

"See for yourselves. It's the dry season and the water cannot flow, so what's going to happen in the rainy season?"

Temple believed protected by divine intervention
Monday, October 29, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Blitar

Zulaika rested under a tree near Penataran Temple in Blitar, East Java and she appeared to focus on a group of children playing on the temple's stairs.

"My grandchildren want to see Penataran Temple," the 52-year-old woman said.

"I'm scared about Mount Kelud and wonder what would happen if it suddenly erupted. But I will try to be courageous and take them here."

The temple's complex is located in Penataran district and locals said it would without doubt see some affects if Kelud volcano, which has been sitting on a top alert status since Oct. 16, were to erupt.

Two other nearby temples, Sewu Temple and Ngambar Temple, would suffer the same fate, locals said.

While Penataran Temple is outside the first danger zone and at least 10-km from the volcano -- the biggest temple complex in East Java is some 30 km from the mountain's crater and would probably end up covered by thick sand when Kelud erupts.

The volcano last erupted in 1990 -- an occasion which saw the temple complex turned into a shelter, even though the area was covered by some 15 cm of thick volcanic sand, burying many artifact bases.

The newest risk status around the volcano has seen visitors reluctant to visit the temple.

Temple security officer Sukriono said the place usually hosted up to 200 visitors a day, but that visitors numbers had dropped to around 70.

"Usually, during Idul Fitri holidays, visitors could reach 2,000 people but this year, only some 1,000 people came," Sukriono said.

And most visitors did not stay long to enjoy the view, he said.

"Maybe they are afraid something bad might happen."

The temple, which is located on the southwest slope of Mount Kelud in north Blitar, was first discovered by British governor Sir Thomas Standford Rafless in 1815.

It is predicted to have existed since 1194, when King Crnga Kadiri ruled the region.

Penataran Temple has a strong relation with Mount Kelud.

According to the ancient Negara Kertagama manuscript by Mpu Prapanca, the temple was one site used by Majapahit King Hayam Wuruk to worship the mountain's god, Girindra, whose power it is believed to be under.

"This relationship makes people believe any eruption, no matter how bad, will not damage the temple's building," Sukriono said.

He said Mount Kelud once spitted a hot lava flow, which instead of following an expected trail, somehow avoided the temple to instead deposit its heat in a small river 30 meters away from the temple.

"This story makes people believe there is a certain power that protects Penataran temple from Mount Kelud's wrath," he said.

Kanigoro resident Zulaika, however, said she would not go near the temple if her grandchildren and relatives from Lampung were not insistent.

"My family wants to see the temple, so what else I can do," she said.

SBY camps with Kelud refugees, calls for patience
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Indra Harsaputra and ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Kediri

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has urged residents living around Mount Kelud to be patient and evacuate to shelters provided by the government.

He assured them that the government would provide them with their daily necessities during their stay at the shelters.

"I, the First Lady (Ani Yudhoyono), ministers and other state officials have come here to meet with the refugees. It is the state's duty to protect the lives of citizens from the threat of disaster," said the President in front of hundreds of refugees in Segeran village, Wates district in Kediri regency, East Java, on Wednesday.He also spoke to refugees in Pluncing village, Kepung district, also in Kediri, where he will stay overnight. His has air-conditioning and an enclosed bathroom.

The president did not make a stopover at a shelter in Blitar as was earlier planned, but took a five-minute rest at the Blitar city police station.

As he arrived at the shelter in Segeran, Yudhoyono waved to onlookers, shook hands with refugees and hugged children before speaking to residents.

Also present were Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto, Coordinating Minister for the People's Welfare Aburizal Bakrie, Social Services Minister Bachtiar Chamsyah, Communications and Information Minister Mohammad Nuh, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro and a number of high-ranking police and military officials.

"Mount Kelud has consistently shown increased activity and could erupt at any time. We urge residents to evacuate and be patient. Wewant any victims and pray to God Almighty to protect us from all kinds of disasters," said Yudhoyono.

"My visit here is similar to that at the shelter in Mount Merapi. At that time, residents evacuated to shelters, and when the volcano erupted everyone was safe. I hope Mount Kelud evacuees can also follow the directions and advice of members of the disaster mitigation task force," he added.

The presidential visit has somewhat eased the anxiety of most of the refugees in Kediri, but a number of those in Blitar were still reluctant to stay in shelters.

Resident Supeni, 67, from Sugihwaras village, Ngancar district in Kediri, said:I felt bored staying in the shelter and wanted to return home, but after the President gave us his assurance and decided to stay the night in a shelter,convinced that the condition of Mount Kelud is really serious and that we must be more cautious."

A resident from Kalibadak village, Nglegok district, Blitar, Bambang Waluyo, 55, said he still refused to take refuge in a shelter despite the President's visit.

"We believe Mount Kelud will not erupt due to the lack of natural signs showing that it will erupt. Even if it erupts, we prefer to stay home because it is safer than living in shelters.

"According to history, there has never been a victim from an eruption in our village and the materials from the volcano pose no risk. We are afraid of looting if we leave our homes, like what occurred in a number of villages in Blitar during the eruption in 1990," said Bambang.

Minister Djoko Kirmanto acknowledged that the capacity of the 135 dams and 11 lava pools built by the government may not be sufficient to hold the volcanic material, which could reach a volume of 60 million cubic meters, as reported by volcanologists.

SBY to stay with volcano refugees
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono plans to stay the night with displaced residents from Mount Kelud in East Java on Wednesday.

The President's trip has triggered rumors among residents that the volcano might erupt, fears an expert has said are well-founded.

Head of the Volcanology and Geology Disaster Mitigation Agency, Surono, said he believed the volcano was about to erupt due to rising magma activity inside the mountain.

He said magma activity was now only 700 meters from the surface, meaning it might soon break open.

"Five days ago, the magma activity was still at a depth of around 2 km but it has now reached 700 meters from the surface," he said. "I'm certain that Mount Kelud is ready to erupt."

Blitar Regent Herry Noegroho has said Yudhoyono will meet displaced residents in Blitar and Kediri regencies.

"In Blitar, the President will visit displaced residents in Penataran village in Nglegok and then leave for Kediri where he will stay the night in a tent," Herry said Tuesday.

"I hope the President's arrival will make Blitar residents willing to live in the shelters since we've given up trying to make them leave their homes."

On Tuesday, Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Aburizal Bakrie visited a shelter for displaced residents in Segaran village, Kediri regency with Social Services Minister Bachtiar Chamsyah.

The ministers met refugees and officials to check reports some residents were not being fed properly at the shelter.

Head of Kediri regency's disaster mitigation post, Lt. Col. Endi Servandy, who is also the commander of Kediri military command, said the reports were not true.

A public kitchen (see photo) has been set up for the displaced residents, such as those in Tawang village hall in Kediri. The kitchen is serving some 700 displaced residents. -- JP/ID Nugroho and Indra Harsaputra

Paramedics volunteer in volcano zone
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Kediri

Ardi cried. The seven-year-old boy said he was afraid when paramedic Subakat ask him to lie on an emergency bunk in a health post in Ngancar village in Kediri district, East Java.

"It's ok, I will just examine you," Subakat comforted the boy, who was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection Tuesday.

Subakat, who is a paramedic from Bhayangkara police hospital in Kediri regency, is among hundreds of paramedics deployed to the slopes of Mount Kelud volcano, which has been placed on top alert since Oct. 16.

Apart from treating sick displaced residents at health posts, the medics deployed to the area were able to provide medical services at shelters including Tawang and Segaran village halls.

Other paramedics were deployed to health posts set up by other institutions in the villages.

Physician Kukuh Pandu Bhirowo, a member of HM Sampoerna's search and rescue team, said volunteer work was not easy.

The doctor, who was on duty at Ngancar village field, some 15 kilometers from the volcano, said it was difficult for any doctor to work in a dangerous zone if their heart was not in it.

"Not every doctor wants to be a volunteer," Kukuh said.

But Kukuh has been a part of the search and rescue team for almost four years.

He has been assigned to many disaster zones, including Aceh briefly after the 2004 tsunami, the landslide in the East Java town of Jember, Yogyakarta's earthquake last year and the tsunami in Pangandaran, West Java.

And today he is in Mount Kelud.

He said before joining as a volunteer, he took an advance traumatic life support course in Surabaya for paramedics.

The course is organized by a U.S.-based institution and paramedics are trained to become health volunteers in disaster areas.

It was during this training Kukah said he learned a system called triage, which teaches paramedics to separate disaster victims based on health conditions.

"If we do not have the available equipment we need, we will prioritize victims that have the higher survival chance," he said.

"But if we have the medical equipment, it's the other way around and we prioritize treating the most severe victims."

At Mount Kelud, Kukuh leads a team of 23 people along with a mobile medical unit that can serve as surgical room.

"At time of emergency, we can perform surgery in this vehicle," Kukuh said.

"The intention is to prolong a victim's life and after that we will refer the patient to nearby hospital."

Tawang village hall paramedic coordinator Pramushinto said each doctor assigned to Kelud should follow standard operation procedures, which includes reserving safety equipment for their own use.

"The procedures also say they must make sure they can save themselves before rescuing others," he said.

Pramushinto said he witnessed Kelud volcano's 1990 eruption and when faced with such natural disasters it was imperative to first pay attention to volcanic materials potentially being sprayed.

"If the volcano releases gas, it's better to (use) a wet mask or cloth against the face as an emergency measure," he said.

Blitar residents rely on past experiences, decide to stay home
Monday, October 22, 2007

Indra Harsaputra and ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Blitar

Past experiences and myths have made some survivors of Mount Kelud's previous eruptions in East Java resist the call to evacuate to shelters far away from the danger zone.

Increased activity from the volcano, which was put on top alert status last Tuesday, has forced the local authorities in Blitar, Kediri and Malang regencies to evacuate thousands of residents living in the danger zone; within a 10-km radius of the volcano.

But some survivors of the volcano's previous eruptions cannot be persuaded to leave the comfort of their homes, believing an eruption is not imminent.

Dian Priantika has decided to remain at home with her three siblings in Kampung Anyar hamlet, in Sumber Asri village, Nglegok district, in Blitar regency, believing this time her home would survive if the volcano erupts.

During the volcano's last eruption in 1990, her home collapsed after being hit by a shower of sand and stones, forcing her and her family to move out of the village.

The 28-year-old, upon learning the volcano's alert status had been raised, recently returned home from Hong Kong where she has worked eight years.

"I was worried about my mother and father. I don't want a repeat experience of the 1990 eruption," she said at her home, which is located some eight kilometers from the volcano.

Dian was 11-years-old when the volcano erupted in 1990. At the time, she and her parents were working at a rubber plantation. A loud explosion came from the volcano and the clear sky suddenly turned dark. The volcano began to spew ash, prompting the family to rush home.

"I hid under the table with my brother and mother while my father tried to do something to prevent the roof from collapsing, but failed," Dian recalled.

After the roof caved in, the family were able to escape from the house and find refuge in a goat pen; where they remained for more than 20 hours.

Once the volcano appeared to have calmed down, the family emerged from the pen to find that their house, as well as their neighbor's, had totally collapsed.

"The village, that was once green, had turned into a sea of sand. Thank God, no one died," Dian said.

The experience of surviving the 1990 Kelud eruption has made her determined to remain at home with her three siblings this time round. Meanwhile, their parents have been taken to a shelter.

"I don't want to leave ... our (new) house has been designed to withstand sand showers. From my past experience, Kelud only emitted sand and small stones," Dian said.

Another resident, 100-year-old Mbah Kadijo, who is believed to have supernatural powers, is relying on his past experiences of surviving four Mount Kelud eruptions and has decided to stay put.

"From my experience, animals become very quiet and the air gets very hot just before the volcano is about to erupt," he said.

"But until now, there have been no such signs. I believe this means the volcano will not erupt just yet. But if it does, I've decided to stay on since my home has been designed to survive sand showers," he added.

Mbah Kadijo was also working at the rubber plantation when the 1990 eruption occurred. He tried to find a place to hide but failed. He survived by clinging on to a rubber tree for several hours while hot ash burned his skin.

"I tried not to scream, even when a rough object hit my head. According to my ancestors, one should not make a sound when Mount Kelud erupts as it will make the lava come to get you," he said.

"During the previous eruption, some panicked residents screamed and their houses were hit by hot lava, despite the fact the village was not even located in the lava's path."

East Java's Nashabandiyah sect searches for shortcut to heaven
Friday, October 19, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Jombang

An Islamic sect in Jombang city, East Java, determined their own start and end dates for Ramadhan this year and celebrated the Idul Fitri holiday on Sunday, later than most Muslims.

Leader of the Tarekat Nashabandiyah Khalidiyah Mujadadiyah al Aliyah sect, KH Nasuha Anwar, said the decision was made based on an ancient calculation method.

"This is the religious ritual that we believe to be true, and we are prepared to die for it," Nasuha told The Jakarta Post.

The sect focuses its activities at Baitul Mutaqin mosque in Kapas hamlet, Jombang regency.

The mosque was built in 1898 and is located on the outskirts of Jombang city.

The mosque acts as an education center for members of the sect and focuses on prayer and Koran recitals, with its adherents believing they can take a shortcut to heaven through performing rituals.

Members of the sect believe they practice Islam the way Prophet Muhammad did, which they claim has been abandoned by most Muslims and replaced with modern technology.

The most distinctive method used by the sect's adherents is the use of an ancient calculation method, called aboge, to determine the dates for Ramadhan and Idul Fitri.

The majority of Muslims use the rukyatul hilal, or direct observation of the moon's position to determine the dates -- as is used by the country's largest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama -- and hisab, or mathematical calculation to determine the months -- which Muhammadiyah uses.

"The aboge method is more precise, as is taught by our mursyid (revered leader) Syech Abdullah Fakir," Nasuha said.

The sect's followers also carry out the kholwat ritual, in which they retreat inside cloth enclosures erected outside the Baitul Mutaqin mosque, fast for three days and meditate.

"The ritual, which includes Koran recitals, is only performed by Nashabandiyah Khalidiyah members."

The religious sect was established by Syech Abdullah Fakir, the son-in-law of Syech Usman Ja'fani, a religious leader who helped spread Islam across the island of Java.

Syech Abdullah Fakir, a religious scholar from Mecca, learned the teachings of Jabal Kubais Mekkah, which were later passed on to Kyai Ja'far, then handed down to Kyai Anwar and Kyai Nasuha Anwar's father.

"Kyai Anwar's main teaching is the kholwat, which lasts for 40 days during the Javanese month of Selo. The essence of the ritual is to gain faith in acknowledging God's unity, formality in religious rituals and respect for elders," Nasuha said.

The sect claims to have as many as 3,000 members, scattered across Java and Sumatra.

However, its religious activities are concentrated in the Baitul Mutaqin mosque, which stands on a 800-square meter plot of donated land, and on which the remains of Syech Abdullah Fakir and his descendants are buried.

Salikun, the leader of Nahdlatul Ulama in Kebontemu, Jombang, said despite the difference in affiliation, his organization had never denounced the group.

"The NU community in Jombang has never felt distracted by their presence. We live peacefully, side by side," Salikun said.

He said the residents who disapproved of Nashabandiyah Khalidiyah teachings usually prayed at other mosques.

"We are all Muslims, despite the difference in rituals."

It's life as usual for some during Idul Fitri break
Thursday, October 18, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Surabaya

It was just like any other Friday night at Dr. Soetomo emergency unit in Surabaya, East Java.

The only difference was the noise coming from the crowd outside that was marching by in a Takbir procession.

It was the eve of Idul Fitri but the hospital employees were diligently and loyally attending to patients.

"Actually, I want to go home and celebrate Takbir with my family.

"But I have to stay here and do my job at the hospital," an ambulance technician at Dr. Soetomo hospital, M. Sukri, 27, told The Jakarta Post.

Sukri -- just like paramedics, police officers, firefighters, telephone operators, gas station attendants and even journalists -- could not celebrate Idul Fitri with his family because he had to work.

Sukri was one of many workers who had to stay on duty to ensure that other people could enjoy celebrating the holiday.

Sukri and his colleagues were still working as the sounds of Takbir echoed throughout the town. They continued attending to patients and their families.

"I should take responsibility for this job. I can still receive warmth and love from my family by phone," he said as he busily prepared ambulance equipment.

Police personnel also had to work during the Idul Fitri holiday.

One police officer who worked during the holiday was Brig. Hariyadi. Hariyadi and four of his colleagues were assigned to Operasi Ketupat 2007, which was aimed at securing the Ahmad Yani route that connects Surabaya with Mojokerto and Sidoarjo regencies.

Hariyadi, who comes from Ngawi in East Java, said he never differentiated between holidays and regular days when he was on duty. He said he was happy to take responsibility for his job and accepted any task assigned to him.

"I have to do my job well, even on special holidays like Idul Fitri," he said.

Deep inside, however, he said he really wanted to return to his hometown in Ngawi to celebrate Idul Fitri with his parents and four siblings.

He said police personnel who were assigned during Idul Fitri had to work 12-hour shifts. They also had to record all of their activities and, of course, anticipate any unwanted incidents.

Sukri and Hariyadi both said they felt lucky because they had families who understood and supported their work.

So, it was not difficult for Hariyadi to tell his wife and two of his children under five that he could not stay with them on Idul Fitri eve.

"I'm so happy they really understand my job. They do not mind my absence on the eve of Idul Fitri and will wait for me patiently to celebrate Idul Fitri together," Hariyadi said.

Kelud cools down, but still dangerous
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Indra Harsaputra and ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Kediri, Blitar

Residents living near rumbling Mount Kelud in East Java have ignored an evacuation order after the alert status for the volcano was raised to its highest level late Tuesday.

While there was less volcanic activity Wednesday, authorities warn an eruption is still possible and urged those living on the slopes of the volcano in Kediri, Blitar and Malang regencies to leave their homes.

Head of the Volcanology and Geological Disaster Management Center, Surono, said the drop-off in activity at Kelud should not lead residents to a sense of complacency.

"Kelud never says 'I will erupt'. It always says 'I erupt'. The volcano is unlike Merapi volcano, which shows signs it might erupt.

"So, it's possible that Kelud will erupt a minute after you interview me," Surono told The Jakarta Post at the Margomulyo observation post.

He said authorities had been expecting an eruption Tuesday night, based on the data and field observations.

"But it turns out that Kelud is hard to read. It's really hard to predict when it will erupt."

Only 50 volcanic earthquakes were recorded Wednesday from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Some 500 quakes were recorded Tuesday.

In Sugihwaras village in Ngancar district, Kediri regency, many residents fled their homes late Tuesday at the sound of warning bells alerting them to the possibility of an eruption.

Residents gathered up what belongings they could carry and boarded trucks that took them to shelters.

As hundreds of residents left their homes, 80-year-old Kamisan remained inside his house, refusing to evacuate.

"During the previous eruption (in 1990), I was inside the house. My body was shaken with fear but I was OK," he told the Post.

The 1990 eruption killed at least 35 people, including a number of people who died when their houses collapsed.

An eruption in 1919 destroyed about a hundred villages and killed 5,160 people.

"I don't want to leave. It's not that I'm afraid of losing my belongings, but I'm afraid that my son, 37-year-old Yasir, will be teased by people since he is mentally retarded," Kamisan said.

Authorities have ordered the evacuation of more than 100,000 people from a 10-kilometer radius around the 1,731-meter volcano.

Many residents have ignored the order.

After spending one night in a shelter in Tawang village, some 15 km from Kelud, Darmiasih took her two sons back home to Sugihwaras village in Ngancar district.

"I went back home at five this morning. My husband picked us up. I've decided to return home since there's no food at the shelter. My sons were starving there," she told the Post.

In Anyar hamlet in Ngeleggok district, Blitar, some 7 km from the volcano, residents said they had not received any official information on Kelud or the evacuation order.

However, some residents have moved out of their houses into tents set up in their yards.

"We just hope Kelud will not spit gas. If it's dust and cold lava, we can deal with it," said the hamlet's chief, Titit Suryono.

As of late Wednesday, most of the 51,350 residents from Blitar and Kediri regencies who evacuated Tuesday night had returned to their homes.

"I don't know how many residents have returned home, but they've made the decision on their own. We will continue warning them of Kelud's danger," said the secretary of the Blitar disaster mitigation unit, Palal Ali Santoso.

East Java Governor Imam Utomo denied evacuees were not being provided food at the shelters.

Ampel Mosque still pulling in faithful, centuries on
Thursday, October 11, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Surabaya

Bagus Wiwanto's only reason for traveling all the way to Surabaya from his hometown in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, was to pray at Ampel Mosque.

The 35-year-old businessman felt it was his calling to pray at the East Java mosque as Idul Fitri drew closer.

"I suddenly felt that I should pray there, especially during the last 10 days of Ramadhan," Bagus said.

Muslims believe Lailatul Qadar night, which falls on one of the last 10 nights of Ramadhan, is one of the holiest nights of the year.

If one prays on Lailatul Qadar night, it is believed they will be granted blessings equivalent to those they would receive if they prayed for 1,000 months straight.

"During the last 10 nights of Ramadhan, mosques are crowded," H.M. Amin Fatchur, the caretaker of Ampel Mosque, told The Jakarta Post.

Ampel Mosque is believed to be the oldest in the country. Its founder, Sunan Ampel (otherwise known as Raden Ahmad Rachmatulloh), was one of nine figures who played a leading role in spreading Islam across Java.

Sunan Ampel was born in 1401 in Champa, Cambodia. He is a descendant of Ibrahim Asmarakandi, or Maulana Malik Ibrahim, a Champa ruler.

When he was 20 years old, Sunan Ampel moved to Surabaya in East Java, which was then ruled by Raja Brawijaya, a Majapahit king.

The king gave Sunun Ampel a 12-hectare plot of land in the Ampel Dento area where he built a mosque and taught local residents about Islam.

In 1421, Sunan Ampel completed Ampel Mosque using a combination of ancient Javanese and Arabic architectural styles.

Various legends exist about the mosque.

One such legend concerns nine graves present in the area, believed to belong to Mbah Soleh, a disciple of Sunan Ampel.

When Mbah Soleh died, Sunan Ampel asked God to send him back to earth so he could help construct the mosque.

"God gave Mbah Soleh nine lives," Amin said.

Another legend concerns seven wells dug by Sunan Ampel. The water inside these wells is said to have had the power to heal various illnesses.

Due to such legends, Ampel Mosque, located on KH Mas Mansyur street in north Surabaya, has become quite revered in recent years.

"Just look around. Nearly every inch of space is filled with worshipers," said Amin.

During Ramadhan, Ampel Mosque is never empty.

Aside from performing the five compulsory prayers daily, the worshipers also perform their nightly tarawih prayers together, followed by Koran recitals until the break of dawn.

Many people catch up on sleep in the mosque's corridors while waiting to perform the tahajud prayer at around 2 a.m.

Visitors to the mosque also often visit its graveyard to offer prayers to Sunan Ampel and his disciples.

While praying at graves remains controversial among some Muslim communities, Amin said the practice was an important part of local culture.

"Praying at graves is not asking for blessings from the deceased. We are offering our prayers to those who have died," he said.

PKI-linked song brings pain for family of composer
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Banyuwangi

Time has tattered and torn the three books in which the original lyrics of the notorious Genjer-Genjer song were first written by its composer, the late Muhammad Arief.

The ink may have faded but the song continues to reveal stories, even until today.

The song has become synonymous with the controversial 1965 coup and the bloodbath that followed.

Many claim the song, about the genjer (Limnocharis flava) vegetable, was sung by members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI)'s women's division -- allegedly the Indonesian Women's Movement (Gerwani) -- when the country's generals were tortured to death.

Bloody stories of torture made public by the new order regime later tarnished the song's image.

Banyuwangi cultural observer Fatrah Abbal said the song was inspired by the genjer vegetable soup, which was prepared by Muhammad Arief's wife, Suyekti, back in the 1940s.

"Muhammad Arief was surprised to find that the plant, which was commonly used as pig and chicken feed, was delicious and could be consumed by humans. That's why he came up with Genjer-Genjer song," said the 76-year-old observer.

The song became popular and many singers performed it on stage.

Fatrah said the song's connection with the PKI could not be separated from the political atmosphere of 1965, where there was space for any ideology to flourish, thus resulting in competition among political parties.

The competition spanned into art and culture, when the Indonesia National Party (PNI) joined together with the National Art Council (LKN); Masyumi cooperated with the Association of Islamic Art and Culture (HSBI); and the PKI associated with the People's Art Council (Lekra).

"Lekra embraced Banyuwangi artists, including Muhammad Arief," said Fatrah, who was active at HSBI.

After joining Lekra, Banyuwangi art and culture flourished, with many songs performed at PKI events, including the Genjer-Genjer song, which was composed in 1943.

Muhammad himself was asked to join Lekra and was positioned as a legislative member in Banyuwangi regency. The man, who was formerly named Syamsul Muarif, was asked to compose more songs.

"If you really listen to the Genjer-Genjer lyrics, you will find the song has no meaning ... it is just about a plant that was previously thought to be worthless ... but (it) started to gain popularity," Fatrah said before singing parts of the song, which is sung in Banyuwangi-Javanese style.

After the coup attempt, the song's lyrics were changed by unknown people, and recounted the torturing of the generals.

"The real song was not like that," Fatrah said.

Following the change of lyrics, a series of kidnappings and murders occurred in several PKI stronghold areas, including Banyuwangi, home of the song's creator.

Muhammad's only son, 53-year-old Sinar Syamsi, recalled that soon after the coup attempt in Jakarta, a big protest erupted in Banyuwangi city. The protesters demanded PKI members be captured.

Muhammad became the target of angry protesters. At the time, the former sergeant of the Indonesian military was a member of Banyuwangi regency legislative from the PKI and a Lekra activist.

"People attacked our home in Tumenggungan area in Banyuwangi city. They set fire to the house and everything there," said Sinar, who was 11-years-old when the incident took place.

Muhammad fled with other PKI and Lekra members but was captured.

"From that point on, my father's fate is unknown," Sinar said.

But Sinar reveres his father as the family's hero. He said the original song lyrics, which are considered taboo even today, have been safeguarded.

"For me, these books are (a part of) my family's history, which should be safeguarded so my grandchildren will know what really happened," he said.

Decades after the tragedy, the wounds may have begun to heal but the events of 1965 have left a dark cloud hanging over the family.

Sinar's mother, Suyekti, has suffered from stress due to the existing stigma placed upon families of PKI members.

Sinar himself has been dismissed from employment several times due to unclear reasons and is now considering changing his citizenship. He has two countries in mind; China and the Netherlands.

"Politics have seen my family suffer for so many years.

"I want to take the original song lyrics (and) move to the Netherlands or China. Who knows, as a son of the Genjer-Genjer song creator, I might be appreciated there."

Aceh Police plans to prioritize corruption investigations
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Banda Aceh

Aceh Police chief Insp. Gen. Rismawan has ordered officers across the province to focus on corruption cases.

"We are currently processing 14 graft cases, nine of which concern the Aceh and Nias Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR) and five which were filed by the Aceh Anti-Corruption Movement (Gerak)," Rismawan said Tuesday.

He said officers were investigating the cases and gathering evidence, but that no suspects have yet been named.

"Police in Banda Aceh city and in West Aceh are currently conducting investigations," said Rismawan.

The national Corruption Eradication Commission received at least 14 reports on suspected graft cases in Aceh this year.

These 14 cases involved provincial, city, regency and state agency officials.

The reported cases involved from Rp 500 million (US$55,550) to billions of rupiah.

"All the cases involve individuals, not institutions," said Rismawan.

Despite the increased focus on graft, police in Aceh have yet to detain or name a single suspect in the cases.

"We have summoned witnesses, some of whom are likely to be named suspects," said Rismawan.

However, the chief also warned that some of the cases were likely to be dropped on lack of evidence.

"But before we decide to drop a case, we will invite everyone involved to observe the latest developments in the cases. If the cases have to be dropped, they will be dropped."

Aceh Police Headquarters say there have been no indications of witness tampering or the destruction of evidence in the cases.

"No one has left the province and everyone has been cooperative. We haven't had any trouble," said Rismawan.

He did not give a deadline for the completion of the graft investigations.

"There is no deadline, since we have to handle many things. But, I emphasize once more that we are putting a priority on corruption. By the end of the year we hopefully will have named several suspects in the cases," he said.

Banda Aceh Police chief of detectives Ari Jauhari said there were currently four open graft investigations.

"There are three cases involving irregularities in BRR irrigation projects in three areas, and there is another case filed by Gerak. The Bireun and Pidie police are currently handling five cases," said Ari.

Police have called at least 17 witnesses in each case, while police in Bireun and Pidie have deposed 47 witnesses.

He said preliminary investigations indicated a number of BRR field personnel were involved in the misappropriation of funds.

However, he declined to provide further information.

Caliphate not part of Koran: NU
Monday, November 05, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Probolinggo

The idea of the Caliphate, or Islamic state, has no basis in the Koran or the Hadiths, the sayings and deeds of Prophet Muhammad, a major Indonesian Muslim association announced over the weekend.

The influential Bathsul Masail (problem deliberation) commission issued the statement on the last day of the conference of the East Java chapter of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

The commission made the statement after thoroughly reviewing the Koran and Hadith, along with other texts, including Attasyri' al-Jina'i Al Islami, al-Qoish al-Hami' al-Asyarqi Jam'il Jawami', Ad Din Watdaulah watadbikis Syari'ah, and al-fiqkul Islami.

It said that while the discourse on an Islamic state become increasingly popular among the nation's intellectuals and the general public, it found no nash (argument and reasoning) in the books that provided the idea of an Islamic state with a textual ground. It said the books also said nothing about an Islamic state being a necessity.

"The Khilafah state therefore is a form of ijtihadiyyah (interpretation)," the head of the commission's formulating team, Murtadho Ghoni, said Sunday.

Consequently, any effort to replace the country's Unitary State system with an Islamic one was prohibited, particularly when such efforts would bring more problems to the nation, the commission said.

The Tausiyah (recommendation) team made similar comments. Labeling the Caliphate a "trans-national" ideology, the team said NU members should be cautious around it.

"The government, religious and community leaders must be very vigilant toward this trans-national ideology that has threatened the national ideology and unity, and the Unitary State of Indonesia," Tausiyah team head Samsul Huda said.

Influential NU figures have voiced their opposition to the idea of an Islamic state since the opening of the conference.

"This movement has attacked us far too often, once in a while we need to counter attack," Ali Maschan Moesa said.

The three-day conference was held at Pondok Pesantren Zainul Hasan Genggong, an Islamic boarding school. More than 500 executive committee members and influential kyai (traditional ulema) participated in the conference.

The participants elected KH. Miftahul Akhyar as the chairman of Rois Syuriah (the advisory board) and KH. Ali Maschan Moesa as the chairman of Tanfidz (the executive board). They will serve the East Java chapter of NU until 2012.

NU is the country's largest Muslim organization, with more than 40 million members. East Java is its traditional stronghold.

Boy bags gold at int'l astronomy olympiad
Friday, November 02, 2007

ID Nugroho, The Jakarta Post, Trenggalek

Zefrizal Nanda Mardani frowned as he read a question on the second day of the 12th International Astronomy Olympiad test in Crimea, Ukraine.

The junior high school student was asked about the level of brightness of a star located about 24 degrees from the Dhelpinut constellation.

"The width of the area of the Dhelpinut constellation -- consisting of the Sadr, Deraph and Althaer stars -- is 50 degrees, and with the triangle formula, it was found that (a star at the distance of) 24 degrees from the Dhelpinut constellation has a 0.1 magnitude level of brightness," Zefrizal, a student of SMPN 1 state junior high school in Trenggalek, East Java, recalled.

His answer was not entirely correct. But this did not prevent him from winning the gold medal. What an extraordinary achievement for a 14-year-old boy.

At school, he is just an average boy who loves playing computer games. Zefrizal, who is affectionately called Zef, does not get outstanding marks.

"He is weak in social sciences, but strong in pure sciences," said Radan, his father, who is a math teacher.

The boy's decision to try out for the National Science Olympiad at Brawijaya University in Malang, however, changed everything. When he took the IQ test, he was among the top 14. Even though he was at the bottom of the list, he was given the opportunity to undergo training in Sawangan, Bogor. Zef failed the test to join the International Junior Science Olympiad. "Only seven people made it through," Radan said.

Luckily he could also try out for the International Astronomy Olympiad. Zef took the test and secured a place.

He later took part in training at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), the Bosscha Observatory in Lembang and at the Planetarium in Jakarta.

Zef learned the basics of astronomy, analysis theory, observation using binoculars, data processing and introduction to space objects.

In the final test, the teenager who loves soccer, earned first place. He was selected to be part of the Indonesian National Team for the International Astronomy Olympiad.

Along with Anas Maulidi Utama from Sumenep, Madura, and Veena Salim from Medan, North Sumatra, Zefrizal represented the junior team. The senior team consisted of Hizbullah Abdul Aziz Jabbar from Yogyakarta and Teguh Santoso Lembono from Bandung. On Sept. 28, they left for Simeiz, Crimea, to join the event that ended Oct.7.

Accompanied by team leaders and ITB lecturers, Suryadi Siregar and Moedji Raharto, and a representative of the National Education Ministry, Yan Binsar Marpaung, the team prepared to come up against senior and junior astronomy wizards from 23 countries.

Zef said the three-day contest was unforgettable. In the beginning, the boy was nervous and doubted his abilities.

He became even more discouraged when he realized he had submitted incorrect answers to half of the 10 questions. When it was announced that four Indonesians had won bronze medals, Zef thought that was the end for him.

He was not among the 29 recipients of bronze medals and 27 recipients of silver medal, but he won the gold medal along with 19 other people. He ranked sixth among the gold medal winners with a score of 43 while the highest score of 49.4 was made by a South Korean student.

"It turns out that Indonesians are as good as people from other countries," said Zef, who wants to be an academic, with a chuckle.

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