Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Drought means profit for salt farmers

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This Images Has Published By The Jakarta Post Sunday, Nopember 26 2006

When a continued and prolonged dry season causes droughts in
other areas of the country, salt farmers find reason to rejoice,
as is the case with Muhammad in Gresik, East Java.
The current dry season means Muhammad and his family can
expect an abundant harvest of salt. While the price of the
commodity remains the same, a greater amount of harvested salt
gives them hope for greater returns.
Muhammad and his family are just one group of salt farmers who
view the lingering dry season as a blessing.
"When it has been hot like this, we can expect a larger
harvest, even double the usual amount," Muhammad told The Jakarta Post on Oct. 23.
Originally from Bangkalan, Madura, Muhammad admitted he did
not know the exact amount of salt they harvested -- whether by
weight or volume -- as the commodity was measured only according
to the number of trucks needed to transport the salt from the
farm for packaging and sale.
At his farm, Muhammad is assisted by his wife, daughter and
son-in-law during the harvest. The profits he has made from his
business has enabled him to buy the farm.
A "bumper crop" also means a bonus for the family, he said:
"On average, a family of four can earn Rp 100,000 per week -- or
Rp 400,000 per month -- excluding the bonus we'll make for a
large harvest."
When harvest season nears, Muhammad recruits two
granddaughters to help out; they stay in a simple hut in the
middle of the farm. Aside from providing shelter during the
hottest part of the day, the hut is also used by those who take
turns in guarding the harvested salt.
"Maybe, after the harvest season is over, we'll all go back to
Madura and wait for the next harvest," he mused.

-- Iman.D. Nugroho

Garam yang sudah "matang" dikumpulkan.

Ditumpuk di pinggir pematang tambak.

Dikumpulkan di bukit garam kecil.

Diangkut menggunakan pikulan bambu.

Gubuk bambu sebagai tempat istirahat.

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